New Decade, New Year, New Me...But How?

This new year is coming with a whole wave of review, because not only is it a brand new year, but a brand new decade. That's the freshest start of all, right?! You may have a whole list of goals you want to achieve in the upcoming year, or ten, but the big question is...where do you start?! 

A simple way to begin is by review your previous year. What were your goals? Did you achieve them, or at least make headway towards them? How could you re-prioritize in order to make this year more successful? By reviewing the previous year you are able to evaluate what methods worked and which didn't in launching you towards success. 

Now that you've reviewed year's passed, let's look to the future. Categorize your life. What are your main interests or "categories" that you will be wanting to obtain goals within? Some typical ones are career ("I want to get a raise" or "I want to start a side hustle"), life ("I want to become a better friend"), financial ("Pay off all student loans by year-end" or "Save $20K towards a deposit on a house") and of course, fitness! You can set as many or as little goals as you please in each category, but it definitely helps to categorize and prioritize! For example, if you're pretty set career-wise and want to crush it in fitness, then you would focus more so on setting big goals in that category over the other. 

When setting these goals, make a chart. Where do you want to be 3-months from now, 6-months from now, a year from now and 3-years from now in regards to these categories? Are you allowing yourself a cushion or are these strictly going to be met by the year-end? It seems like a lot to stress over, but by thinking about this now, you'll be creating a plan to ease stress in the long run. Planning is everything, in all aspects of life. This idea may seem extremely complex to some, but no worries, there are plenty of ways to easily create a goal chart and work on achieving those goals! Set your ambitions high & follow our lead. 

When it comes to planning, we love getting inspiration from The Skinny Confidential. She created a goal planning template that The Shoe Fairy herself completes on a regular basis called Future by Design. It's an easy printable template that can get you on the right path to your goals without too much complexity. If you're more type-A and would prefer to have a consistent plan to keep you on track, check out Passion Planner. These planners feature a beginning of the year, mid-year and year-end review along with monthly questions that help you stay on track & refresh your priorities. There are even monthly & weekly calendar layouts, along with several different to-do lists and daily goal areas to really keep your focus. 

With all of these options to help you set & obtain your goals, the new year should really have you seeing 20/20!