Meet: Gina | Breast Cancer Survivor + OCB Bikini Competitor

In October, we support PINK! 💖

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we will be donating 10% of all Pink Box sales (our exclusive Olympian Line) to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.


Additionally, we will be sharing inspiring stories from some competitors who have conquered breast cancer.



A Shoe Fairy customer turned friend!

️We are humbled to have had the chance to be able to interview Gina and share her responses with our community. Not only did she BEAT Cancer, she came out STRONGER because of it!

  1. When were you first diagnosed with Breast Cancer? Nov 1, 2004
  2. What was the treatment/recovery process like? It was a little difficult because I was a single mom of a twelve year old (pre pubescent ) girl. Because I was 34 years old at the age of diagnosis, my surgeon and I felt it was in my best interest to do a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction, and my oncologist felt chemotherapy would be appropriate to insure it didn’t come back. Eighteen years later and no issues makes me so glad that I followed this advice! Chemo treatment was physically and emotionally demanding. You’re tired from the treatments and at the same time you are losing all the things that you thought identified you as a woman- your breasts, your hair, etc. Looking back on this difficult time makes me realize that those things never defined me as a woman. 
  3. When was your first show and what made you want to compete? My first show was this year was 4/30/2022. I have put my body through the paces with cancer and treatments (I had colon cancer in 2017), and because of my work in the healthcare field, I come in contact with many women who are recently diagnosed. I remember the doubt and the fear. I want women to know that you can achieve your goals and live out your dreams, despite cancer.
  4. What is the biggest lesson that you have learned through your competing journey thus far? I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for.
  5. Is there a specific quote or message that has kept you going throughout this entire journey? I often repeat to myself, “I am a survivor”. That doesn’t just have to mean a survivor of cancer.
  6. Do you have show plans moving forward? If so, what are they and what are your goals through stepping on stage again? I am looking ahead to compete in an OCB show 5/13/2023 with the amazing Ms. Lexie (TSF Partner Success Manager) as my coach.


Thank you Gina for allowing us to share your story! It our hope at The Shoe Fairy that by sharing more about this disease and those who have overcome it, it will give someone the strength that they need.Â