How to Eat Mindfully & Stay on Track During the Holidays

Your 2020 competition season has recently come to an end and now it’s time to relax and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones! Or, maybe you’re still actually on prep and need to be a bit more mindful of your food choices. No matter where you’re at in your journey, we’re here to help share a few tips to make eating during the holidays a lot less stressful. 

As competitors, we naturally want to be consistent with our meal plan or tracking what we eat (as it’s a part of the sport) but there are times in life where we all need to “go with the flow” and be present in the given moment. Holidays like Thanksgiving, usually being one of those days!

It is SO important not to miss out on these special days with your loved ones and there are many ways to make the day no different than any other with your food. Yes, the scale may go up a lb or two the next day, but you can always get that back - memories with those you love, you can not!

Here are a few helpful tips to avoid any excess weight gain or stress on such a food-driven holiday!

  1. Try to get your workout in early!

And we don’t mean run 5 miles or over exert yourself with crazy amounts of HIIT (same with the day AFTER your Thanksgiving meal.) As long as you’re scheduled to train that morning, double check with your gym that they’re open on the holiday and do your normal workout routine. Don’t let the whole day turn into a free-for-all!

  1. Eat your normal meals prior - or at least breakfast

It is key to not let one off-track meal, or two, turn into a whole DAY. Eat your normal breakfast, maybe even lunch prior and ensure that these meals are balanced with high protein and as minimally processed items as possible to keep you full and less likely to reach for a ton of apps later in the day once you arrive at your family gathering.

  1. Load up on water leading up to your meal

Since water can promote satiety, you can actually decrease your appetite by drinking water. When it passes through your system fast, it actually stretches your stomach giving you that “full” feeling, and obviously the fuller you are, the less likely you will feel the need to OVER=indulge.

  1. Engage in conversation, mix, mingle, and don’t just hover by the food

Staying “busy” will help you avoid mindlessly snacking and just eating until you feel sick because the food is readily available. Talk to your loved ones, offer to help in the kitchen or engage in an activity (bonus - if it's keeping you moving, too!)


It’s one day. You’re only human. If you aren’t on prep for a show and have more “food freedom”, it’s easy to get caught up in feeling anxious and worried you will go overboard, but if you treat it like any other day and stay mindful and make wholesome choices, you’ll conquer the day with ease!

Have any other tips and tricks to share with your fellow competitors? Post to your IG story how you’re staying on track through the holiday and tag us. We’ll share your response on our story!